Saturday, December 09, 2006

Sorry Again Volvo

I abandoned you on Friday, December 1st, after that snowy run to Menomomee Falls. On Sunday I cleaned out my, clothes, food, microwave, power inverter, bedding and so on and on. Driving you was a pleasure with the all the features of a brand new 2007 truck. It was the other work involved that I could no longer do. Cranking landing gear, climbing into the trailer to check the load, and other necessary physical activity was too difficult. My lungs just don't work that well anymore. I decided I couldn't continue driving and with the advice and consent of my supervisor and friend Reggie who trained and hired me ten years ago I made the decision to leave the driving to someone else that very day. I will miss driving and the guys and ladies at Gunville. Gunville Trucking has been very
good to me over the past ten years. I was hoping to drive at least one more year and might possibly do some short runs on the weekends in the future but time and developments will tell. I might go to help out at the office someday and watch the drivers as they come and go about their business. Thank you Volvo 1024, Volvo 1008, Volvo 185, GMC/White 172 and GMC/White 143. All combined you gave me quite a bunch of "rides" ..... 1,525,000 miles of them!


Beth said...

That's a lot of miles! Certainly that should earn you a free trip or two to Holland :-)

Also - did you know your first truck has the same digits as your third granddaughter's birthday?!

Beth said...

Oh - no! It's your LAST truck with the same digits. First, last...same difference.

Dream of Travel

Dream of Travel