Thursday, December 06, 2007


Tuesday the local needle inserters were switching over to a brand new computerized information system. The DCH lobby waiting area was packed with people as I walked in and I wondered if some epidemic had struck the area and I hadn't heard about it. Any way I got to the ACU and got into my chair and the PN comes up to me with this little tiny laptop perched atop a rolling platform and explains that she need to get my full medical history, medications, and height and weight and whatever the hell else from me and that we had to hurry cause she had to get the same info from everyone else coming in! So here I am.....however many years old with a medical history equally as long......attempting to remember all my stuff. Surgery, broken arms, suicides, immunizations, and on and on. At the end I told her that I am here now to be infused with Aralast to boost my antitrypsin deficiency. She punches some buttons, then asks me to spell that.....which I did.....she pushes some more buttons.....looks up at me and says...."It doesn't look like thats in here so we'll skip it for now"! Oh my! Any way as I was saying about HIPPA news, as I sat there for the 3 hours I was treated to hearing the full medical histories of at least 5 other folks who came in and sat on either side of me! I heard of their cancers and blood deseases, HIV infections and hepatitus problems, of their lung deficiences and stomach ailments, of broken bones and colonoscopies, and on and on. Where are the HIPPA rules here I wondered? Maybe they were suspended for the day!

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Dream of Travel

Dream of Travel