Friday, July 13, 2007

Walking Day!

Somewhere I read that this tingling feet syndrome might be helped a bit by walking so that's what I've been doing in my spare time. Maybe the walking loosens up the plaque so blood can flow through again. (The plaque then is destroyed by the plaque grinder in the liver) The other day I had a test done in the doctors clinic and that apparently told of a problem for which we will have further tests done on the MRI machine at the hospital. The test is called an MRA (arteriogram done with magnetic resonance) and can locate clogged arteries which cause PAD. So I've walked the neighborhood a few times and enjoyed it. I should also go for a drive in the car since it might be one on the last times I can reach the pedals before the amputations begin! No just kidding. I guess they do some bypass, or roto rooter, or stint type stuff to get the blood flowing again.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Have you signed your HIPPA forms for this blog?

Dream of Travel

Dream of Travel