Friday, November 04, 2005

I Like NPR"S Science Friday

There is so much one can learn while driving around. Today on Science Friday I learned that when I go to sleep my brain doesn't. It stays awake to do some book keeping and house cleaning. I guess it sort of sorts things out and puts the newly sorted stuff on the proper shelves or in the right drawer or on the right hook. Also it doesn't deal with small stuff at this time. The brain takes care of the bigger more complicated stuff at night. Then it also throws a lot of junk out for the GAD man to pick up. This might be why I can't remember where I delivered yesterday! They also say that the brain slows down energy consumption by only about 10 to 20 percent while the rest of the body sleeps. Could that be cause our eyes are shut?

In another portion of the program I learned that a praying mantis as shown above is actually a cockroach and is so fast in its body movements that it can catch humming birds and mosquitoes and other insects. The beast also is one of a few insects which can rotate its head to see behind itself! This and other animals were discussed by a guest who has written about this smaller majority. He figures that upwards of 90 percent and maybe even 99 percent of the worlds animals are smaller than a human finger.

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Dream of Travel

Dream of Travel