Saturday, October 15, 2005

Saturday Night On the Television!

It is entertainment DELUXE on the PBS Saturday evening tube. It all starts with the Red Green Show, hilariously silly but a must watch. Read all about my favorite nut. His motto is Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati.......(When all else fails play dead) . Each show ends with the guys at the Possum Lodge concluding their meeting with the Man's Prayer.....It goes like this ........
"I'm a man...
But I can change
If I have to
I guess."

Next is an interlude with with some young gal who likes to do things in her work shop. At times she stops to philosophize. I only leave her on so I don't forget to catch the Saturday night broadcast of High School Bowl. High School Bowl has been a favorite of mine since Dr. Christopher's years thereon! Tonight the Stephenson Eagles played. The trouble is that I don't remember if they won. Stephenson has a special place in my heart as it was there that I garnered the retirement pension that I started having direct deposited recently. It's not much but it is something! It will help keep the TV set on!

The finale before bed time is the Lawrence Welk Show. Oh such bubble music. The poor guy's been dead for some time but the music still flows! And the costumes are terrific on the gals and guys as they sing about getting rings and wearing bangles and beads and such! It is one of those shows which I would let my teenager watch if I had one. Just now I saw some real pretty teenagers singing. And now comes an arrangment of the 1812 Overture!
Ahh.....Saturday night with the television.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Oh sure! And your teenagers would GLADLY watch it with you. And they'd invite all their friends over, too!

Dream of Travel

Dream of Travel