Saturday, July 16, 2005

I Need A Reminder

I need to ask someone out there who wishes I remain
sane to remind me to turn "popup blocker" off for
certain tasks. For months I wondered why I couldn't
do what I wanted to do at my wireless providers
web site. Then more recently I pondered and tried
in vain to get the new little picture adding thing to
work here at this site. Today I eventually switched
from Netscape to MS Explorer where I have some
silly toolbar installed and again tried to use the
above mentioned picture thing. Ha....I was warned
that a "popup" had been blocked! Then the light
came on and I can even use the ABC thing with
the blocker disabled. Maybe I should just kill it and
rid myself of the frustration next time I run into a
similar situation. But then all those popups! Did you
ever wonder what's worse, popups or junk mail?
In my business I'll take the junk mail.
It keeps us trucking!

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Dream of Travel

Dream of Travel