Thursday, November 01, 2007

HIPPA News The Recap of October with Emphasis on the Night of October 31st

My "Buddy" and related wires and tubes after I was "unwired" this morning!

I know I promised you a summary of my HIPPA events for October but I am so tired of HIPPA events that I will not do it. I don't care if its a record or not and I don't care if you want to know or not but I am not doing any HIPPA entries on this blog for at least a while! After trying to sleep at the sleep clinic with 20 electrodes attached with glue and tape to my legs and torso and head and two belts around my body to measure breathing and a O2 sensor clamped and taped to my finger and a thing stuck in my nose to measure CO2 coming out and open microphones listening to me talk and snore and infrared lights shining at me and TV cameras looking at me and having to verbally call the tech when I wanted to go to the toilet and he having to come and disconnect my "buddy" as he called it from its base and hang the big box around my neck with about a 20 yards of wires and tubes trailing me to the toilet so I could go and the fact that they didn't even so much as have coffee in the morning made it even worse so therefore I am too tired to write anything today! There is however a great deal of good information for you to study at the link I provided above!

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