Sunday, September 30, 2007

Holy Smokes Again

Man, its been along time again. I have been so busy again that I just havent gotten to sitting here and typing! Between hauling the bills home from the post office and hauling the horses to Ohio and dieting all day and walking two miles and pumping iron and whatever else I hope you can forgive me for not blogging. I noticed today that some of you check regularly and I do appreciate your interest! Sometimes a total stranger gets to the site too! One day I saw that someone from South America somewhere followed a link to Driving Around! Anyway all is well here. I guess I proved to myself that I was still capable of running a 700 mile day twice in a few days as those trips to Ohio amount to such. We just can't pull in to a rest area and take a nap with 8 sweaty, angry Belgians stomping and scratching in the trailer! The excercise and diet are putting the numbers in line with normal. The nurse at the ACU last week wondered if the pressure meter was working right cuz the pressure was so low. The scale might lie but belts don't. That belt that was too tight in May is now running out of holes! I'll have to punch a new hole pretty soon! Havent had much else in activity. Tried to get out camping again but the weather was threatening when I could have gone. Mid October brings us to one more horse run. This one to Lansing for one of the biggest of the nation. Its at the MSU Campus and is the Great Lakes Invitational Show. I hear we will be gone from Tuesday the 16th till Monday the 22nd!

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Dream of Travel

Dream of Travel