Sunday, October 08, 2006

Try Parking This One Downtown

I've seen a few of these moving south on I35 between Duluth and the Twin Cities. I don't know what the cargo is but it must be very, very heavy! One of these days I'll get a better shot.

Here is a view as I met a couple of the behemoths on the highway between Duluth and Brainerd. I was told by a driver who lives in Duluth that the cargo is a generator/turbine for a wind farm. They arrive in Duluth on ships from Europe and are then transported by truck to sites in the Midwest. Can you imagine that sitting atop the "pole" and having propellers that are maybe a hundred feet long attached as well? I would like to see one of these lifted to it's position! I'll next try to find out how heavy the thing is. Any help will be appreciated! Check out this site for pictures of the unloading of blades earlier this year

1 comment:

Christopher Tassava said...

Amazing! You should've been down here a month ago when St. Olaf was putting up its turbine: I've never seen a taller crane. There are some photos here. I'm still looking for the magical spot in town where you can see both turbines at once...

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