Saturday, August 06, 2005

Giving Directions

A few weeks ago I was "driving around" south from Rockford, Illinois on I39 when I heard a fellow driver asking for directions into the RR Donnelly printing plant in the town of Mendota a few miles down the road. He was given very specific directions. "Take the Mendota exit and go west through town to the four way stop and turn left and the plant will be down the road a few miles. You can't miss it" It was too late for me to catch the driver looking for RR Donnelly when I realized that these directions would not get him to the Mendota location. He had gotten good directions to the RR Donnelly plant in Mattoon, Illiniois, some 150 miles away. I guess the moral of the story is that if you are giving directions don't confuse the locations!

1 comment:

Christopher Tassava said...

Wow. That is a bad day. I love these kind of stories, which typify the many, many ways different jobs can stink.

Dream of Travel

Dream of Travel