Unwilling participants Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads

Sgt. James D. Priestap of Hardwood in the Upper Peninsula visits with Iraqi children while on patrol in Baghdad. This photo, submitted by his family, was taken just before he was shot. More photos are available at cu.ironmountaindailynews.com.
By BLAINE HYSKA,Managing Editor
IRON MOUNTAIN — Sgt. James D. Priestap was visiting with Iraqi children while on patrol in Baghdad when he was killed, photos taken just before his death show.Mark Balicki of Iron Mountain, brother-in-law of the late Sgt. James D. Priestap, submitted a photo, which was taken just before Sgt. Priestap died in Iraq on Thanksgiving Day 2006.“The pictures show the kindness that Jim always showed,” said Balicki, who is married to the former Lisa Priestap. “Everyone in our family has seen these pictures. I thought it would be nice to share them with others.”Sgt. Priestap, 39, of Hardwood was killed by enemy gunfire in Baghdad.A series of pictures were taken about 10 minutes before Sgt. Priestap was shot, added Lisa Balicki.“This was confirmed by soldiers who were in Iraq with him,” she said. “When we saved them on our computer, we could point the mouse on the pics and it would give the date and time the photo was taken.”“They were all taken on Nov. 23 between 11:10 and 11:19 a.m.,” she said. “Jim was killed on 11:29 a.m. that day.”“The pictures speak for themselves as to what kind of person Jim was,” she said.
Memorial to those who died in Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom.Most recent casualties
• Marine Cpl. Matthew R. Zindars July 24• Marine Cpl. James H. McRae July 24• Marine Lance Cpl. Robert A. Lynch July 24• Army Staff Sgt. Joshua P. Mattero July 24View all the casualties
Casualty countOfficial DoD totals. Released: July 24
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Killed: 3,626
In action:2,980
Wounded*: 26,953*
Not RTD12,115
Operation Enduring Freedom
Killed: 408
In action:227
Wounded*: 1,428
Not RTD873
*Wounded:RTD: Returned to duty within 72 hours. Not RTD: Did not return to duty within 72 hours.